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Channel Trail

The Channel Trail concept is for a 2okm trail between Kingston and Kettering (Bruny Island Ferry Terminal).  It is a flagship project for the Kingborough Cycling Strategy. 

Huntingfield Ave Path

A subdivision adjacent to the Huntingfield Park and Ride includes a Public Open Space corridor to provide a link from Sirius Drive.


Huntingfield interchange

In April 2009 at a meeting Council staff and Cycling South had with DIER, they agreed to install an underpass where the creek goes under Algona Road approximately 200m south of roundabout to provide for movement between Kingston and Huntingfield.  This included a shared path in front of the AAD to link to the underpass.

Kingston to Huntingfield path alignment_

Potential alignment of separated cycleways and shared paths between Huntingfield and Kingston

Section 3 - Margate to Snug

Dec 2018. The Margate to Snug Trail was officially opened by Kingborough Council. The Development Application was lodged in 2017 and a grant from the Cycle Tourism Fund allowed the trail to be extended to the Heritage Museum.


In August 2012 a consultant was appointed to carry out a community survey and feasibility study on a pathway between Margate and Snug. The proposed route started in Baretta near Derwent Ave, followed the Channel Hwy to Grahams Rd in Electrona where it detoured around back streets before returning to the Channel Hwy and finishing at Jarvis Rd in Snug. Another section proposes a link along Pothana Place to Snug River Bridge.

Community feedback found general support for a pathway but respondents identified a need for the pathway to be more direct (ie not detour around back streets in Electrona) and to connect to Dru Point and Kingston. Some respondents also identified the foreshore as an alternative route.


Opening of Margate to Snug section Dec 2018

Section 4 - Snug to Conningham

Since 2019 Conningham and Lower Snug Community Association (CALSCA) has been lobbying for the trail to be extended to Conningham. In November 2021 Council engaged a consultant to investigate a route parallel to the Channel Highway on the eastern (water) side. 

The community has formed a Greater Snug Safe Paths Project and a report went to Council on 5 February 2024 in response to a community petition to construct a pathway between Snug and Lower Snug. The report noted staff are progressing negotiations with stakeholders to achieve a viable pathway option.

Snug kids on Channel Hwy.png

Photo: Greater Snug Safe Paths Projects

Section 2 - Huntingfield to Margate

Margate to Huntingfield feasibility study

Oct 2022. Consultants were appointed to undertake a feasibility study and identify an alignment for the trail between Margate and Huntingfield.  The concept plan for the trail has multiple sections:

Huntingfield to Howden Road - The consultants recommended the Coffee Creek Track but did not consider an alignment in the proposed Huntingfield Housing development to the west as it was outside their scope. Cycling South proposed an alignment that skirted the northern boundary of the North West Bay Golf Course (instead of the southern boundary) and follows the contours into the Housing Tas land. There was more support for a path to the west of Coffee Creek and stronger opposition to a path that went through Peter Murrell Reserve.

Howden Road to Margate Rivulet - This section follows the Channel Hwy on the western (inland) side due to the simplicity of dealing with a single landowner, compared to multiple landowners on the eastern side and constrained space. A coastal route was considered but rejected due to environmental and cost implications. The plan proposes an overpass of the highway at Howden Road intersection (supported) and an at-grade refuge at Brookfield (disliked). A bridge over the North West Bay River was popular but a lack of a crossing to link to the Margate Train was disliked. 

Margate Rivulet to Channel Museum - This section follows the edge of agricultural land and the foreshore reserve before going along Beach St and a circuitous back street route before ending near the Channel Museum. Cycling South would like to see the link to Dru Point follow the foreshore (similar to the Clarence Foreshore Trail) and the main trail follow a more direct connection between the Channel Museum and the foreshore by continuing along the Channel Hwy to Clare St before detouring off. This would link the trail to Margate Primary School and the edge of the shopping area.

Margate to Huntingfield trail alignment

Map showing proposed alignment of trail from consultants report

Huntingfield subdivision

In June 2020 the State Government proposed a 470 lot housing development in Huntingfield, behind St Aloysius Catholic School. The plans show shared paths throughout the development but don't identify path or cycleway links beyond the subdivision - to the school, shops, sports areas, reserves or regional parks. Consultation  and plans can be viewed at

Cycling South would like to see:

  • Shared paths constructed to a minimum standard of 3.0m with wombat crossings on all road crossings within the development.

  • Ensure proposed public transport hubs are easily accessible from the development for people walking or cycling.

  • Sealed path extended to Howden Road along the SW boundary of Peter Murrell Reserve

  • Path upgrade at Patriarch Drive to provide a continuous shared path from Huntingfield Ave to the Algona Road underpass

  • Connect proposed shared path to existing path on Huntingfield Ave

  • Extend Sirius Drive into the subdivision to make the development more permeable (blocked by housing lot in current plans), at least for people walking and cycling.

  • Separated Cycleway along the Channel Hwy between Algona Road and Kingston CBD to connect residents to shops and services

  • Shared path alongside Algona Road to connect residents to Blackmans Bay Schools and beach.

  • Construct a safe and convenient crossing to the north-western side of the Channel Hwy (Maddox Rd) so future subdivisions are connected.

  • Develop a broader active travel plan for the area so that residents are easily connected to schools, sporting faciltiies, shopping areas, trails, beaches, parks and playgrounds.

Huntingfield_pathway_plan_June 2020.JPG

Huntingfield subdivision proposal

Section 5 - Conningham to Kettering

This is the lowest priority section for the Channel Trail.


Extending the path to the Bruny Island Ferry will complete the project.

Channel Trail 1 -Kingston
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