Greater Hobart Cycling Committee
CyclingSouth was formed in 2000 and is comprised of representatives from Hobart, Kingborough, Clarence, Glenorchy and Brighton Councils. The committee is made up of elected representatives and council officers who meet every two months to collaborate on the implementation of the Greater Hobart Cycling Plan and other projects that support active travel.
A part-time Executive Officer, Mary McParland, is employed to carry out the day-to-day operation of the organisation and implement strategic and operational plans.

Councillor Phil Owen
Councilor Heather Chong
Cr Molly Kendall
Cr Bill Harvey (Treasurer)
Cr Ryan Posselt (Chair)
Cr Amanda Midgley (Deputy Chair)​
Annual Reports
The annual report records the history of the development of the cycling network in Greater Hobart by documenting the delivery of cycling projects each financial year.