South Arm Hwy
The South Arm Highway corridor (incorporating Rokeby Road) is an important spine linking Howrah, Rokeby, Lauderdale and Sandford. An off-road shared path is incrementally being installed along the corridor.
More information can be found at Transport Services website
Acton Road intersection
2024. Plans are being developed for the intersection of Rokeby Road and Acton Road, adjacent to Lauderdale Primary School. Cycling South has provided feedback on the need to provide a connection for a future shared path on the northern side of the intersection, as well as sealed shoulders/bicycle lanes for road cyclists. It is anticipated that the intersection will be signalised.
Howrah to Rokeby
In May 2011 DIER released concept plans for the upgrade of South Arm Hwy and commenced detailed planning. The plans include:
road is to be upgraded to 2 lanes in each direction;
a concrete multi-use path to replace the existing hotmix path between Buckingham Drive, Howrah and Tollard Drive, Rokeby
constructing the missing section of pathway in front of Howrah Gardens centre so the detour around Buckingham Drive won't be necessary
a multi-user pathway along Pass Road between Rokeby Rd and Glebe Hill Estate
May 2015. Work is underway on the next stage of the road upgrade which will include a 3.0m wide concrete shared path along Rokeby Road.
The original design for the new works showed the shared path following the new section of Buckingham Drive (that connects to Howrah Gardens Centre). This inconvenient alignment would have required a crossing of the Howrah Gardens Centre entry/exit driveway (a potential conflict point) as well as an additional road crossing point at a roundabout further along.
Rokeby to Lauderdale
May 2021. A total of $55 million ($44 million from the Federal Infrastructure Fund and $11 million from State Government) has been committed to the duplication of Rokeby Road between Pass Road and the Police Academy roundabout, which will include a shared pathway and wide sealed shoulders for cycling. The plans were developed from the 2007 Clarence Plains Transport Study which identified an upgrade of Rokeby Road over a new bypass road through the Clarence Plains greenbelt. Designs were released in February 2021 which included:
a bypass of Rokeby village
a shared path from Tollard Drive to Burtonia St
a signalised crossing at Burtonia St with the path continuing on the northern side of Rokeby Rd to Hawthorn Place, through Rokeby Village to Oakdown Parade.
The proposed shared path route aligns with Clarence City Council plans to construct a walking track between Oakdowns Parade and Acton Road/Lauderdale primary school.
To accommodate experienced cyclists, who are unlikely to use a shared path, it is recommended that sealed shoulders suitable for use by cyclists are included along the full length of the Corridor. designated bike lanes and signalisation at intersections
Lauderdale village
Mar 2020. Clarence City Council installed an upgraded concrete pathway between Lauderdale Primary School and Ringwood Road as part of improvements to make active travel to school safer and easier. The concrete pathway is wider and smoother than the old hotmix path, making it suitable for scooters as well as bicycles and allows people to walk side by side without completely blocking the path. Armco railing was installed alongside the path to provide greater protection from traffic at locations where it didn't interfere with driveways.