Intercity Cycleway
The Intercity Cycleway runs between the Hobart Regatta Grounds and Bilton Street in Claremont. It was constructed on a disused rail line and runs for 16kms through Cornelian Bay, New Town, Moonah, Derwent Park, Glenorchy, Montrose, Berriedale and Claremont.
Macquarie Point link
Macquarie Point is located between Sullivans Cove and the Hobart Regatta Grounds. The disused rail line extends into the Macquarie Point site where it was intended to extend the cycleway.
2015 - Plans were produced for the redevelopment of the site into a residential, retail and entertainment precinct. Cycling South and Bicycle Network met with Macquarie Point Corporation to discuss requirements for cycling to the site, through the site and provision of bike parking for workers, residents and visitors. A connection to Hunter St by MACq01 was considered an essential link.
2018 - A temporary pathway was constructed between the Regatta Grounds and Evans Street
2022 - The footpath was widened where the old Boral entry was on Davey St as part of a new road construction in Mac Point below the Cenotaph escarpment but the crossing was poorly designed with sharp dog-legs.
2022 - The Regatta grounds carpark was modified and the cycleway extended to Mac Point.
2023 - A stadium was announced and a new precinct plan was developed. Cycling South made a submission regarding cycling movement around Macquarie Point and bicycle parking.
Section 1 - Regatta Grounds to New Town Rivulet (City of Hobart)
2006 - A new picnic area near the start of the Cycleway at the Regatta Grounds was installed.
2013 - A gravel pathway was constructed to connect the Intercity Cycleway to the playground and amenities at Cornelian Bay.
2013 - New pavement markers were installed at locations where there is potential for conflict and the need for bike riders to ride slowly through these sections. The markers are located at New Town High School, Zero Davey cafe and hotel, and outside the Marine Board building to reminder riders to take care and ride slowly.
2014 - A chicane gate was removed from each road crossing in the Hobart section of the Intercity Cycleway as part of a signage project. The entrances to the cycleway are now more accessible, especially for people on recumbent bikes, tandems or towing trailers. The remaining gates have been refurbished and installed with new signs attached to them.
2014 - The embankment just north of the Risdon Road bridge has been subsiding and causing cracking on the cycleway and is being investigated.
2021 - A pathway to link the Intercity Cycleway to the Macquarie Point path will be done as part of the car park upgrade at the Regatta Grounds. It will provide improved access to the Intercity Cycleway for people parking at the Regatta Grounds.
Section 2 - New Town Rivulet to Glenorchy CBD (City of Glenorchy
2008 - Lampton Ave pedestrian refuge was installed to enable people to cross in two stages. Previously it was difficult to judge traffic movements at Lampton due to cars turning from Main Rd and Howard Rd, which often resulted in cycleway users being caught out halfway across the road.
2009 - Seating, shelters and water fountains were installed along the Intercity Cycleway at Station St in Moonah and Glenorchy.
2014 - Elwick Rd crossing improvements include a modified left turn lane from KGV Ave to reduce motor vehicle speeds on the approach to the cycleway crossing. It is still a difficult crossing and unsuited for children or elderly. A signalised crossing is required to make the pathway usable for all ages and abilities.
2017 - Work commenced to improve the Elwick Road crossing by increasing the width of the refuge and reducing the westbound traffic lanes from 3 to 2 at the crossing point. This reduces the crossing distance for cycleway users and provides a safety improvement at the crossing. Please take care when using the crossing during the works.
2017 - A chicane gate was removed at each road crossing on the Intercity Cycleway to make the crossings consistent with the treatment adopted by Hobart Council.
Section 3 - Glenorchy to Claremont (City of Glenorchy)
2006 - Glenorchy Council received funding from the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery Program to extend the Intercity Cycleway from Berriedale Rd to Box Hill Rd in Claremont.
2007 - Glenorchy City Council, in partnership with Claremont Rotary, constructed a new path which links the Intercity Cycleway to Claremont College, giving students a viable transport option to school.
2009 - A 280m long shared path from the Intercity Cycleway to Cadbury commenced.
2010 - The cycleway was extended to Bilton Rd, Claremont.
2011 - A new crossing over the railway tracks just north of the Granada Tavern in Berriedale provides a direct link to Berriedale Reserve and a better route for tourists visiting MONA by bike.
2021 - A new shared path was constructed connecting the Intercity Cycleway from Berriedale Road to MONA that avoids riding on busy Main Road. The path will be extended to the north to link to Berriedale Reserve and the Alcorso Dr pedestrian refuge that connects back to the cycleway.Once arriving at the destination visitors have new new undercover bicycle parking, e-bike charging and a repair stand which has been recently installed at MONA.
Section 4 - Claremont to Granton (City of Glenorchy)
The rail corridor reverts back to single track between Claremont and Granton which reduces the amount of space available for the extending the cycleway to Austins Ferry, which makes planning this section more difficult.
Section 5 - Granton to Bridgewater Bridge
2024 - Council is constructing a shared pathway alongside Main Road in Granton to connect to the Bridgewater Bridge path in time for the opening of the bridge.