Hobart Waterfront
The Hobart Waterfront and Salamanca area is extremely important to the Hobart Cycling Network and is one of the busiest sections. Routes from the north (Intercity Cycleway and Argyle St/Campbell St), the south (Sandy Bay Road and Battery Point) and the city centre converge at the waterfront. Access choice for staff at hospitality venues, CSIRO and UTAS facilities requires quality cycling infrastructure.
Section 1 - Castray Esplanade
​Prior to IMAS moving to the waterfront into a purpose-built building in 2014, there was only carparking and no footpath adjacent to the original wharf shed. Council has been improving the area for people walking and cycling since then.
​2014 - Council used bollards and paint to designate space along Castray Esplanade for walking and cycling between CSIRO and PW1. Although the materials used for the pathway are low cost and temporary, the space has been preserved so the path can be incorporated into future upgrades and beautification of the area.
2017 - Council installed permanent kerbing and paths to replace the temporary bollards.
2024 - Council received a grant to upgrade the narrow path connection by CSIRO to AJ White Park.
Section 2 - Morrison Street
The section between PW1 and Mawson Place had a narrow footpath adjacent to the building line and damaged by tree roots. Bike riders had to use the roadway.
2013 - At the Infrastructure Services Meeting on 27 March 2013 the installation of a cycleway was not supported. Even though 60% of adjoining landowners and tenants who responded to the consultation supported the plans and the overall loss of only two car parking spots out of a total of 114 spaces in the Morrison St area, along with 16 additional motor bike spots, Council decided a further report be prepared investigating the possibility of creating further car parking on the northern side of Morrison St and removing one lane of traffic instead.
2013 - A report presented to the Infrastructure Services meeting on 10 December 2013 found a trial of narrowing traffic lanes and a wide parking lane (that had been used as a de-facto traffic lane) had no significant impact on Morrison St traffic and recommended widening the footpath.
2015 - A shared pathway was constructed along Morrison St (rather than a separated cycleway) which included closure of Post Street and a crossing treatment at Brooke St that introduced a 'one-way out only' arrangement for motor vehicles using Brooke St .
2016 - The woefully inadequate footpath was widened between Brooke St and Murray St which involved removal of 3 parking spots and a southbound traffic lane.
Section 3 - Mawson Place to Hunter Street
A shared space alongside Davey Street adjacent to the docks had a history of conflict due to restricted space. ​​​
2006 - Tree surrounds at Constitution Dock were modified to create more space for pedestrians and cyclists.
2010 - Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority relocated the fishing fleet parking to Hunter St and modified the entry at Muirs car park which included a left turn slip lane off Davey St.
2011 - The rough surface near Hunter St was resealed with a smooth asphalt surface and the No Entry sign had 'bicycles excepted' added. A colour threshold treatment was installed at the Muir car park entry.
Section 4 - Hunter St to Evans St
The Zero Davey hotel and additional coffee shop (constructed in 2012) has a servery and doorway directly onto the cycleway which has resulted in conflict between coffee lovers and bike riders. Hotel patrons moving between the bus stop and the hotel entry are oblivious to the cycleway and have stepped into the path of riders, even travelling at low speed, resulting in collisions and injuries.
Council modified line marking to move the cycleway further away from the building line by the coffee shop servery and created a small space for waiting customers so they don't stand on the cycleway.
Options to improve safety include:
Install a threshold treatment for the waterfront area through use of colour/patterns on the path at Evans St and highlight the conflict point by the Hop On Hoop Off bus stop;
Close the gap in the railing by the front door of the hotel so patrons don't step directly onto the cycleway (it works like a chicane for people leaving the hotel)
Prioritise the Hunter Street entrance to Zero Davey with temporary carparking on Hunter St and remove carparking on Davey St to allow the cyleway and footpath to be separated.
2010 - Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority modified carparking to provide a generous waterside walkway.