Moonah & Lutana
Moonah is a major shopping centre and the surrounding area is relatively flat, making it conducive to cycling trips.

Derwent Park Rail Trail - the Zinc Link
The old rail corridor between the Intercity Cycleway at the old Derwent Park station and Lutana is identified in the Hobart Regional Arterial Bicycle Network Plan 2009. Developing a shared path along this corridor would provide safe and convenient links between the cycleway, Moonah Primary School, shops on Derwent Park Road and the sports fields at Prince of Wales Bay.
Cycling South has proposed that Glenorchy City Council develop a multi-user trail as stage one between the Intercity Cycleway and Central Ave. This section is simpler and less expensive and avoids the cost and management issues associated with the Brooker Hwy bridge (which is likely to delay any trail development if the bridge is included in Stage 1) while still providing access between Moonah Primary School and the Intercity Cycleway. Eventually there is potential to develop the corridor into a linear park incorporating landscaping and play equipment. The trail can be extended across the Brooker Hwy and around Prince of Wales Bay (including a short section of Gepp Pde) to link it to Giblin Reserve.
2014 - The disused rail was removed to accommodate the installation of stormwater pipes along the easement.
A community walk and talk was held on the rail corridor to discuss options for community use of the space. on Sunday 17 August 2014
2015 - Cycling South wrote to the Mayor requesting that Council lease the railbed from TasRail and carry out design work for stage 1 between the Intercity Cycleway and Moonah Primary School.
2021 - As part of a Marine and Innovation masterplan for Prince of Wales Bay, improving connectivity for walking and cycling around the foreshore to Elwick Bay, improved crossing of the Brooker Hwy and Goodwood Rd and creation of a 'Zinc Link' shared path along the old rail corridor was recommended. Cycling South's submission supported the proposals and recommended improving the level of service at existing signalised crossings (by reducing long wait times and split crossings), extending the Lampton Ave crossing so it crosses the entire Brooker Hwy and improving links along Howard Road. A north-south route to connect the path alongside the Brooker Hwy at Elwick race course to Goodwood, Lutana and Cornelian Bay was also recommended.
Lutana to Moonah - Bayswater Road

Bayswater Road in Moonah is a quiet street that connects the Ashbolt Cresent traffic lights in Lutana to the Intercity Cycleway in Moonah via a laneway.
Derwent Park Road & Springfield Ave
2011 - A Derwent Park Road safety report was prepared by SKM.